Oh...you'll hear all about this. I've made a video and everything. Good stuff...maybe I'll even post it here after our meeting this week. The suspense is too much to bear, isn't it?
"What is this Gifts from the Kitchen I keep hearing about?" An understandable question from anyone who has not attended this event. Please be patient with me as I forget that there are those who have not attended GFTK and I just assume it's self-explanatory. It's not...because I remember MY first year in MOPS and I thought...another acronym "GFTK"..what does it mean? Let me lay it all out for you so you can be completely prepared for the super fun night!
Laura Spiller, our amazing Creative Activities Team leader is most likely knee deepin craft paper, ribbons, scissors, mason jars, boxes and bows...and that's just the beginning. Wait until after she goes food shopping- the poor thing will have couches made from bags of flour and sugar, and all the other tasty ingredients that will be put to good use the night of Gifts from the Kitchen. So, next time you see her- thank her- she's working hard to make sure this night is a blast for you and your friends!
So what is it? I know...I haven't answered it yet. Gifts. From. The.Kitchen. Say it again, slower. Get it? Ladies (MOPS moms, non-MOPS moms, not-moms-at-all ladies) all file into the lovely room inside the same building as the Gym on COS' campus. Once there, you will see five distinctive assembly lines. Each line is a different mix to put together to make a lovely gift for someone. (or for yourself...I've done that...Idon't know many people.) The ingredients are are lined up and labeled soall you have to do is pour the correct amount (this is important, because inevitably someone will be baking or cooking with this mix...so do them a favorand properly measure) into the provided container. At the end of the line there are beautiful gift packaging supplies including curled ribbon, tags,recipe cards, and the like. Viola! A perfect gift -- from the kitchen-- to give to someone you love, or like- maybe not like at all, but you have to give them a gift. It happens.
Want to hear more? (Yes. You do.) You don't have to start at the first table. You could start at the third table if you'd like and then go back to the first table. Suffice to say, you do need to get to all five tables to complete your gift set of five gifts. Other interesting facts about the night:It's a social night, a "LNO" Ladies Night Out, so to say! You could come and go through the lines with your friends, or try talking tosomeone who you don't well know. Exciting things, ladies, exciting things! There will be light refreshments served for you to enjoy so don't feel you have to make your gifts and jet. Come, enjoy the night with your favorite ladies!
I may have missed something; my attention span is just about up. I'd love to answer any questions you may have, so just send MOPS an email, mainlinemops@gmail.com, or get in touch with our FB page, or Laura Spiller, or any of our Leadership Team. We'll do our best to answer your questions. Until then...go register for this fun night!