Come one, come all, to the most festive meeting of them all! (enough rhyming already, I get it.) December 20th we have a fabulous MOPS morning set up just for you.Nancy Hicks will be sharing with us "The Living Water" and we'll also enjoy a Christmas Social!
About the social- let's have a little fun, shall we? Dive into the Christmas spirit by wearing your most Christmas-y attire. We invite you to join our festive Leadership Team in wearing those "lovely" Christmas know, the ones your first grade teacher (and maybe 10th) would wear every Christmas season. The ones that from the back, you know it's a Christmas sweater by the small embroideredgraphic giving you a glimpse of what's to come on the front side of said Christmas sweater. Don't have a sweater? No fear...socks, earrings, hats, pants...if it's Christmas-y it's perfect for this morning's meeting!
What's that? You don't own anything like I'm describing? (hmm...maybe I should rethink my wardrobe.) I know there are a few moms in our group who have a few to share...find out who they are to get in on the fun! : )
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